Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Last Dance

The day started on a promising note with Elena signing the deeds to become the owner of my house. It was the best decision she's made so far that will in the long-term keep her safe. Damon was the first to suggest it and I couldn't think of a better way to have some control over Elena's safety. It was Elena who would be calling the shots on who received an invitation in the house, keeping unwanted vampire's out.

Elena didn't hesitate to extend an invite to me back in my home. Damon on the other hand, needed a reminder on who was making all the rules. Elena asked him one last time did he understand the terms of our agreement. He wasn't thrilled at first when she told him it was her way or the highway. Lucky for him, he quickly came to his senses or so we thought. Damon just tends to do things the Damon way and doesn't think about the consequences of his actions.

I went to school with Elena and Bonnie when Elena insisted that she come and go as she please. I know Bonnie will always keep her safe. The one thing that worries me is the fact we have no clue how powerful Klaus' team of witches are and I'm guessing pretty powerful. They would have to be if they're protecting the oldest vampire in the history of time. Bonnie thinking she can take on an Original by herself worried me.

Hours later Elena and Bonnie came back the house to let Damon and I know Klaus had made contact by compelling one of the students. We were clueless to what the man looked like and with Katherine missing we were in the dark.

Elena put on a brave face for me this evening while she picked out a dress for the dance. She was trying her best to show me she's fearless and I know she's scared. Who could blame her when someone who is threatening to wipe-out everyone in her world she's ever loved. I held her in my arms, kissed her gently before telling her we would end Klaus tonight.

I had my own reservations on taking Elena to the dance and instead of fighting her on the matter, we headed to the dance with Damon and met up with Bonnie and Jeremy. It wasn't long before we walked in when Klaus made his first move. He compelled Dana to announce to the crowd Klaus was dedicating a song to Elena. The bastard was close and I could feel it. When Caroline and Matt walked in, I left Elena to dance with Damon while I brought Caroline up to speed on Klaus. I really didn't want her to be blindsided by not knowing. We kind of all hand blinders on when it came to Klaus.

I found Jeremy in the hallway upset and worried about both Bonnie and Elena. He told me if Bonnie used all her powers on Klaus, it could kill her and Bonnie refused to tell Elena. I had to find Elena and tell her. She needed to talk some sense into her best friend. I was left to deal with Damon who knew all along what Bonnie was planning. Every time I trust him, he screw me over. Damon didn't try to deny he lied, again. I was ready to really let him have it when we heard Jeremy. He was down the hall being assaulted by a couple of male students. They were compelled by Klaus as a distraction. I told Damon I could handle them while he went to go make sure Elena and Bonnie were okay. Jeremy was a little banged up with no permanent damage or broken bones.

When I found Elena, she told me Klaus had possessed Alaric's body. I didn't see that coming at all. None of us did and when we went to go find Bonnie, Damon told us she was using her powers to kill Klaus. We knew it would kill her. She had to be stopped, only we were too late. Bonnie fell to the ground and I knew she was dead. I didn't know how to help Elena in that moment. She was hysterical, sobbing and wanting her friend back. Damon walked in ordering me to take Elena home. We didn't need Sheriff Forbes asking questions so Damon took the next steps to dispose of Bonnie's body. I was not happy at how he handled the situation from the start. After-all Bonnie was a dear friend to us all.

I offered Elena tea as she sobbed uncontrollably while sitting in a chair by the fireplace. She was distraught. Who could blame her when she had just lost her best friend. It wasn't until Damon came home we found out Bonnie was alive. She had done a spell to make it appear she had died. I was furious with Damon for not telling us. He just refuses to keep me in the loop. I could have told Elena the truth once we were off the premises of the school. I'm getting real tired of Damon playing the hero. He needs to remember who's girlfriend he's protecting and it's not the other way around.

Just when I think we're taking two steps forward to being close brothers again, we've taken five steps back. This will not end well for neither of us.


"Know Thy Enemy"

The day started off on a sour note. Elena called me hysterical that her dead vampire mother, Isobel had showed up at her door. Jenna answered and was stunned to find out the Alaric's not so dead wife was back in Mystic Falls. Elena tried to talk to her, making the situation worse.  I can only image what Jenna is thinking.  I told Damon he needed to call Alaric and make him aware of everything that was going on. What I really didn't need this morning was Katherine asking us not to alert Isobel she was in town or staying at our house. Any time Katherine asks a favor, it all about her and she really wanted us to believe she was on our side. Not a chance in hell either of us would buy her act. I guess she thinks I'm stupid when she keeps telling me to be smart. I'm smart enough not to trust a bitch with a smile.

I went to Elena's to talk to her about Isobel and the fact that maybe Isobel had information that could help us. She really didn't want to hear it and I can't really blame her. Why should she trust a vampire mother who turned her back on her at birth and choose to live as a vampire? John walked into Elena's room asking for us to come downstairs. He had invited Isobel in. I was just as shocked as Elena and we both were wondering what the hell was he thinking.  I asked Isobel to tell us what she knew and at the moment Elena was willing to hear her out. John claims Isobel was helping all along. I just glanced over at him, thinking did he forget he was responsible for killing all the 1864 vampires and was ready to kill Damon and I?  I guess that slipped his mind as he tried to spin this tail around and we were suppose to believe he was working to protect Elena. The man has balls, I'll give him that. John told us the word was out that a doppelganger existed. Well we kind of figured that out. Katherine lurking around town is bound to bring harm Elena's way. Elena had enough of Isobel who was asking her to leave and go to a safe-house that no vampire could enter, not even Isobel. Elena was quick to put her in her place and told her to get the hell out her house. I was so proud of her for once again, standing up and not falling for the lies of John and Isobel.

Elena and I went back to my house to discuss with Damon what Isobel had to say. He wanted Elena out of the Gilbert house and here with us. She refused so we said we would stay at her place. Again, Elena was being stubborn by informing us she didn't want to be a prisoner in her own home.  Katherine walked in the room asking to know the whereabouts of the moonstone. Damon told her that we had it hidden in a very safe hiding place.  Elena didn't say a single word. She ignored Katherine who was standing behind her pouting and whining that we were keeping secrets from her. That's laughable at best, coming from a person who has done nothing but lie to us, dating back to 1864. She walked away mad when Damon told her that we could burn her at any given moment and that just because we haven't killed her, doesn't mean we trust her. 

Hours later, Elena and I attended the ceremony at the Lockwood mansion for Elena to receive the donation for a scholarship in honor of her mother. Caroline walked up to us freaking out over Matt running out on her. He knew she was a vampire and we didn't need him telling anyone else. I was upset Caroline didn't use better judgment when she decided to tell Matt the truth and she didn't compel him afterwords. He will never understand and now he has questions on Vicki and her death. When Caroline ran off to go find Matt, I was able to calm down, knowing if she didn't deal with Matt, I would have to do it for her. Despite Caroline's flaws, I love her like a little sister.

I stood proudly as Elena went up to accept the donation for her mother's scholarship fund when John came barreling down the stairs. I ran over to him and could see he had been bitten on the neck. I scanned the room and rushed to find Elena. Right away I sensed Katherine and walked her outside. She called Damon to tell him to get over to the Lockwood mansion asap and figure out who attacked John. As soon as she hung up the phone, I shoved her into the car. Katherine thought she had me fooled. I'm not Damon, I know Katherine a mile away. She had a syringe in her other hand chalked with vervain. I didn't have enough time to react before she stabbed me with the syringe and shoved me into the bushes.

I called Damon when I was able to get up and told him Elena was missing and Katherine was to blame. We went to the nicest foreclosure in town and there was no signs of Isobel, Elena or Katherine. We did discover that Isobel had been there. Her bags were by the door.

It wasn't until later, Elena came to the house. She told me Isobel showed her the grave her parents had for her even though their wasn't a body buried. Isobel received a call telling her that her part was over and she was done. She killed herself in front of Elena. I don't know how many more family members she can handle seeing die before she has a complete meltdown. Damon brought in the deeds to the house. Once Elena signed them she would become the owner of the house and no vampire could not enter without going through Elena.

John woke up scared that Damon would kill him. I was going to let him at this point, John has caused more harm than good. I gave him plenty of chances and each time he failed us. Elena asked to speak to him alone. We went into the other room, pour a round of drinks to toast having Bonnie on our side with her powers back and no one would see it coming. Not even Klaus.

I'm guessing Elena gave John a free pass yet, again. The man is on borrowed time as far as I'm concerned. The next time he hurts Elena, he will feel the wrath of the old Stefan Salvatore.


The House Guest

Elena looked beautiful this morning. The day starting out on a perfect note until Katherine showed up, playing her usual childish games. Damon didn't know killing Elijah would dispell the compulsion he had over Katherine, freeing her to walk out the tomb. I was hoping I'd never had to lay eyes on Katherine again and Elena wanted her gone immediately.

Of course Katherine tried to win us all over by telling us she was here to help us bring down Klaus.  I didn't buy her act for one second. I don't know what Damon was thinking, allowing her to stay in our home. I'm pretty sure she will do something that will show her true colors. It's just a matter of time. Katherine always has other motives.  I went over to the grill to see if Dr. Martin would be willing to help us along with his son, Luka. That meeting didn't go as planned. They don't trust us and were highly upset we killed Elijah with the dagger, knowing we needed it to defeat Klaus. Elijah was a threat to Elena and everyone else. We could not simply sit back and watch him go after the one's we love.

I came back to the house after my meeting. Damon was in the library reading Jonathan Gilbert's journals while Katherine was not around. Damon found the location of the house where the witch trails took place. We pretended we didn't find anything, knowing if Katherine found out, she would use it for her own devious plans.  I took the book with me, making sure Katherine would not be able to get her hot little hands on it.   While I was upstairs, I heard Katherine yell for Damon and when I ran to the basement, Katherine was in the corner with a stake in her chest and Damon was torching the room. There was some kind of witch entity in the room and Damon knew Dr. Martin had something to do with it.

By the time I made it to Dr. Martin's apartment, he was furious. His son Luka was burnt to a crisp on the floor and the next thing I remembered was my brain bursting from the spell Dr. Martin put on me before he bolted out the door. He had a picture of Elena on the floor. I didn't waste time calling Damon for help. Dr. Martin was now after Elena and we needed to get to her before he did. Damon called me from the car to let me know Katherine was with him and she had a plan to trick Dr. Martin.

I found Katherine and Damon outside the grill. Damon had already found Elena and had her in his car. Katherine and I walked in, pretending she was Elena and saw Dr. Martin destroying the Grill. Katherine who was now acting as Elena tried to plead with him to stop. It became clear he was in no mood to talk at that point. The only thing he wanted was Elena. We bolted from the restaurant and headed back to Elena's house. We were pretty sure Dr. Martin would follow.  When we walked into the house we found Bonnie and Jeremy in the living room. They were clueless to what was going on. Katherine went upstairs to Elena's bathroom and as soon as I heard her tearing into Dr. Martin, Bonnie and I ran up the stairs. Dr. Martin was dead.

Katherine kept her word for once. To keep Elena safe and for that I had to thank her. Elena on the other hand was still furious that she was around at all. The exchange between them was less than friendly but for now, everyone is safe.

We still need to prepare for the arrival of Klaus. To fight an original that strong is going to take more than a couple of drops of blood a day. I'm going to need to start increasing my dose and sip larger amounts of vervain. I know all of this will not be enough to kill someone who is over a thousand years old. I just refuse to sit by and do nothing. Damon is already strong and he is also sipping vervain. The two of us together along with Bonnie will have to pull together in order to bring down Klaus for good.


The Dinner Party

I don’t deny I woke up still very upset with Elena for wanting to martyr herself to Klaus. I thought she would be smart enough to know that she had plenty of people in her corner that refused to let anyone harm her. We've all become Elena's protectors and her decision to just hand herself over to Klaus sent my mind into a tailspin. I went outside by the lake to think, clear my head and try to figure out how to change her mind. We were very distant last night. Cold to the point we didn’t touch at all. This was supposed to be a romantic getaway. With the wolves showing up, our getaway turned into a complete nightmare. Elena sat inside most of the day, reading Jonathan Gilbert’s journal. I had a feeling it was going to become a day that I would need to explain my actions of the past. Jonathan kept a lot of information about the early stages of me becoming a vampire. He knew enough about me to write it in his journal. I wasn’t surprised when Elena looked at me as if she was seeing me for the first time.

Back then I was a monster that roamed around without formal training on how to exist as a vampire. Katherine was gone, Damon was freaking out, and I was going through blood lust syndrome of the worst kind. I was so upset with the founding families that I targeted them, killing them one by one until they paid for what they had done to Katherine. Damon couldn’t handle the pressure, he left me and I was lost until I met another vampire, Lexi. It was during the war, people were hurt and that left me with bountiful amounts of blood to feed upon. Lexi could see I was all the bad parts of being a vampire. I fully didn’t understand why she was so in control of her urges and I had no control. She showed me there was another way to exist and if I was going to keep my life a secret, I would need to find something to live for. She told me love would be my salvation. I wasn’t sold at first, knowing my need to quench my thirst for blood was so powerful. With time and Lexi by my side, I discovered she was right. I miss my friend so much. A part of me is still seething with anger towards Damon for killing her. It’s taking me a long time to make peace with her passing and with Elena in my life, each day gets a little easier to cope with such a great loss.

Elena learned Jonathan had extensive research on the originals, the dagger and white oak ash that was used to kill them. It was a photo in the journal with instructions on how to properly use the weapon. When Elena told me that the demon that used the dagger on the Original would die, I ran to the phone. John gave the dagger to Damon, knowing he would die trying to kill Elijah. I wasn’t able to get a hold of Damon, so I called Alaric’s phone and I was relieved when he answered. Elena and I waited for someone to call us back and let us know that everything was okay. We found out that Alaric killed Elijah with the dagger. They took his body down to the holding chamber and all was well or so we thought. Elena went on to read the dagger cannot be removed or the death would not be permanent. By the time I called Damon, Elijah was long gone and we knew he was heading our way.

Elijah was outside the cabin door angry, vengeful and waiting on Elena to come out to talk to him. I didn’t want to let her go, sensing the danger she was putting herself in made me uneasy. Elena reminded me he couldn’t harm her without an invite in. We had a plan to rid us of Elijah for good and she was prepared to carry it out. Elena told Elijah he needed to promise not to hurt anyone, even if they hurt him in any way. He didn’t budge, his arrogance preceded him and he took his chances by calling her bluff to kill herself. Elena didn’t back down, I wanted to save her when she stabbed herself with the knife. Elijah was begging Elena to let him give her blood. She fell forward into his arms, with the dagger in her other hand and stabbed him in the heart. Elijah was finally dead. He fell to the ground as I rushed to her side, feeding her my blood and healing her stab womb. Damon came out the shadows, warning us to leave the dagger in this time. Elena grabbed her bags while Damon and I dumped the body in the trunk of the car. We drove home to the boarding house; finally Elijah was gone for good. Elena came downstairs to the holding chamber, making sure we were okay. She told us from now on there would be no more lies, she was in control and if she was going to fight, we would do things her way. Damon and I agreed. Elena needed to know everything. would be done differently. She was finally back to the confident Elena that I adore.

I explained to Damon how Lexi was the person who helped me change my demon ways, before I succumbed to them. Damon knew what she meant to me. For a brief second he looked remorseful for killing her. I didn’t say anything else, knowing words could no longer describe the hurt I felt when he took Lexi from me. Our relationship as brothers has turned that critical corner from us hating each other, to happily co-existing while agreeing to disagree. It works for us and I finally feel I have my brother that I always looked up to back. Now we need to put our heads together to help bring down Klaus for good and protect Elena no matter if we die trying.

If These Walls Could Talk

Elena and I headed to her parents cabin for a little alone time away from the madness. We talked about the future, shared a few glasses of wine and I was prepared to cook the most amazing dinner for her until we discovered her parents were on to the vampires. They had a secret room in their bedroom filled with so many weapons that Alaric would love to get his hands on. We also found another one of Jonathan Gilbert's journals. Apparently, he had a lot more to say about the town's secrets. 

I didn't get a chance to finish dinner. Let's just say the evening of quiet bliss was very short-lived.  I went outside to get more wood for the fireplace when Brady and Tyler attacked me. Tyler was clearly out of his mind. The werewolves convinced him that we had the moonstone and that the curse could be broken and they would never have to turn unless they wanted to. Only they left out the fact that Elena had to die. Tyler was shocked, confused and very conflicted on who was telling the truth.  Tyler didn't want Elena's blood on his hands, so he let me go. I ran up to the house just in time to rip Brady's heart from his chest before he put his hands on Elena. Tyler apologized to us both for his part in the wolves plan. He really has no idea the danger they are to him.  When Tyler left, I called Damon and found out the wolves attacked Alaric and him at our house. It was Elijah who saved them. He is really trying to convince us, he will keep us all safe and Elena. He has his own personal agenda for helping us and we need to figure out what his true motive are before Klaus shows up. For now, Elena is safe.  I think it's time we have a real heart to heart on our future and my bloody past.


Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Closer

Elena stopped by to see me. It’s nothing like having the woman you love in your arms. I will never do anything to lose the love we have for one another and I will die protecting her. I told Elena that I was going to contact Isobel. She wasn’t thrilled at all. I can completely understand her hesitation, knowing her mother is just like me. I hated leaving her at the house, only she wanted to stay and check up on Rose. I told her that Rose was bitten by a werewolf and her fate was to be determined.

Later when I returned to Elena’s house, I had John with me. He told me he knew all about the Sacrifice and what it took to break the curse. I told him that he needed to help us or I would have to make good on my previous threat to turn him. When Elena saw John, she was upset, wondering had I lost my mind for bringing the man she despised back to Mystic Falls. I’m willing to risk her being angry with me if it will save her from Klaus and keep her alive.

Today Caroline called me over to fill me in on Tyler finding out about Damon and I. Caroline asked me to talk to him and when I went over to the Lockwood’s, he was naturally afraid. There was no full moon to protect him and I could have easily hurt him without thinking twice about it. I told him not to trust Jules. He listened for a second and then I received a phone call that Jules was holding Caroline captive.

I forced Tyler to come with me to the woods. Jules was not getting Tyler until she freed Caroline. Leave it to Damon to come and piss off the wolves even more. He confessed he killed Mason and just when we thought we could take them since there was no full moon in sight, Jules called on her wolf pack. Damon and I fought them, killing several but it took Dr. Martin to use his mind aneurysms to bring the wolves to their knees. He said he was there to make sure that Elijah’s end of the deal was upheld because of Elena.  We left with Caroline who was crying from all the pain she was in. They tortured the poor girl. I took her home, knowing she wasn’t in any condition to be alone. Caroline tried to be brave. I knew better. Caroline is sweet, kind, and she innocent. I went to Elena and asked for her help. We called Bonnie who went with us back to Caroline’s and I surprised her with her two closest friends. It was a supportive slumber party for someone who was put through hell. I’m glad I could put a smile back on Caroline’s face. She’s become a very good friend to me and I might have to say, she’s my only friend since Lexi.

"Promises Are Made To Be Broken"

Waking up to Elena in my arms is just what I needed after spending an entire night in the tomb with Katherine. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I kind of regret the way I left Katherine. I think she had more information about Isobel and her research that would help me figure out how to break the curse of the moonstone. I couldn’t sleep last night with thoughts of Katherine stuck in my head. I hate it when she plays mind games with me and now I can’t forget the thoughts she embedded in my memory. I have no reason to feel anything for her, after what she did to me, by using me as her personal boy toy back in 1864. The close relationship I had with my brother back then was ruined by her evil, manipulative ways and it's finally starting to get back on track.

I admit I fell head over heels in love with Katherine the very first time I laid eyes on her when she arrived in Mystic Falls. She was one of the most beautiful, captivating and sexiest women I had ever encountered.  I was young and most of the girl's were very immatured but not my Katherine. She stood out from the rest and to this day, it's taken every ounce of my strength to get over her. Damon wasn't so lucky. Katherine became his obsession.  Katherine keeps accusing me of using Elena all this time as a way to feel closer to her. A claim that is simply not true. They may look alike on the outside but they’re total opposites on the inside. All the more reason why I shouldn’t have any thoughts of her, only I do.

I don't know why I told Damon about the deal Elena made with Elijah. Damon smashed a glass against the wall, staining the wall with bourbon and started to pace the floor.  I can understand why Damon is upset when he was the one who staked Elijah and now the man shows up in Mystic falls, making demands and deals. We all should be worried even with the moonstone in our hands, danger still lurks in the shadows.  Damon was quick to tell me I’m being foolish if I go along with Elijah's plan to use Elena to draw out Klaus. This is why I am sipping small amounts of blood to make me stronger. I need to be able to build up my strength, in order for me to be able to help protect Elena from what’s to come. It kills me that Damon has been able to protect Elena more than me. That’s my job. I didn’t want to argue with him over why I would go along with it nor do I agreed with Elena’s decision to trust Elijah.

Damon clued me in on everything that happened when Elijah showed up at Slater’s apartment and ripped the hearts out of two vampires who showed up to take Elena to Klaus. Damon killed Elijah. I don’t know how it is possible that he’s still alive, all I know is it makes my decision to increase my blood intake a little easier. Elena believes in me. We made promises to one another, only this is one promise I won’t be able to keep.