Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Dinner Party

I don’t deny I woke up still very upset with Elena for wanting to martyr herself to Klaus. I thought she would be smart enough to know that she had plenty of people in her corner that refused to let anyone harm her. We've all become Elena's protectors and her decision to just hand herself over to Klaus sent my mind into a tailspin. I went outside by the lake to think, clear my head and try to figure out how to change her mind. We were very distant last night. Cold to the point we didn’t touch at all. This was supposed to be a romantic getaway. With the wolves showing up, our getaway turned into a complete nightmare. Elena sat inside most of the day, reading Jonathan Gilbert’s journal. I had a feeling it was going to become a day that I would need to explain my actions of the past. Jonathan kept a lot of information about the early stages of me becoming a vampire. He knew enough about me to write it in his journal. I wasn’t surprised when Elena looked at me as if she was seeing me for the first time.

Back then I was a monster that roamed around without formal training on how to exist as a vampire. Katherine was gone, Damon was freaking out, and I was going through blood lust syndrome of the worst kind. I was so upset with the founding families that I targeted them, killing them one by one until they paid for what they had done to Katherine. Damon couldn’t handle the pressure, he left me and I was lost until I met another vampire, Lexi. It was during the war, people were hurt and that left me with bountiful amounts of blood to feed upon. Lexi could see I was all the bad parts of being a vampire. I fully didn’t understand why she was so in control of her urges and I had no control. She showed me there was another way to exist and if I was going to keep my life a secret, I would need to find something to live for. She told me love would be my salvation. I wasn’t sold at first, knowing my need to quench my thirst for blood was so powerful. With time and Lexi by my side, I discovered she was right. I miss my friend so much. A part of me is still seething with anger towards Damon for killing her. It’s taking me a long time to make peace with her passing and with Elena in my life, each day gets a little easier to cope with such a great loss.

Elena learned Jonathan had extensive research on the originals, the dagger and white oak ash that was used to kill them. It was a photo in the journal with instructions on how to properly use the weapon. When Elena told me that the demon that used the dagger on the Original would die, I ran to the phone. John gave the dagger to Damon, knowing he would die trying to kill Elijah. I wasn’t able to get a hold of Damon, so I called Alaric’s phone and I was relieved when he answered. Elena and I waited for someone to call us back and let us know that everything was okay. We found out that Alaric killed Elijah with the dagger. They took his body down to the holding chamber and all was well or so we thought. Elena went on to read the dagger cannot be removed or the death would not be permanent. By the time I called Damon, Elijah was long gone and we knew he was heading our way.

Elijah was outside the cabin door angry, vengeful and waiting on Elena to come out to talk to him. I didn’t want to let her go, sensing the danger she was putting herself in made me uneasy. Elena reminded me he couldn’t harm her without an invite in. We had a plan to rid us of Elijah for good and she was prepared to carry it out. Elena told Elijah he needed to promise not to hurt anyone, even if they hurt him in any way. He didn’t budge, his arrogance preceded him and he took his chances by calling her bluff to kill herself. Elena didn’t back down, I wanted to save her when she stabbed herself with the knife. Elijah was begging Elena to let him give her blood. She fell forward into his arms, with the dagger in her other hand and stabbed him in the heart. Elijah was finally dead. He fell to the ground as I rushed to her side, feeding her my blood and healing her stab womb. Damon came out the shadows, warning us to leave the dagger in this time. Elena grabbed her bags while Damon and I dumped the body in the trunk of the car. We drove home to the boarding house; finally Elijah was gone for good. Elena came downstairs to the holding chamber, making sure we were okay. She told us from now on there would be no more lies, she was in control and if she was going to fight, we would do things her way. Damon and I agreed. Elena needed to know everything. would be done differently. She was finally back to the confident Elena that I adore.

I explained to Damon how Lexi was the person who helped me change my demon ways, before I succumbed to them. Damon knew what she meant to me. For a brief second he looked remorseful for killing her. I didn’t say anything else, knowing words could no longer describe the hurt I felt when he took Lexi from me. Our relationship as brothers has turned that critical corner from us hating each other, to happily co-existing while agreeing to disagree. It works for us and I finally feel I have my brother that I always looked up to back. Now we need to put our heads together to help bring down Klaus for good and protect Elena no matter if we die trying.

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