Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Blood and Love Don't Mix"

I’m sitting here in the quiet of the night reflecting on everything that happened today. Elena was kidnapped by not one but two 500 year-old vampires who seemed to think she held the key to their freedom. Jeremy alerted me at school that Elena’s bed was untouched with no traces of her anywhere.  We went to Bonnie for her help. This time she was less reluctant, showing genuine concern for her friend.  Bonnie used her witchcraft by placing droplets of Jeremy’s blood on a map, showing that Elena was 300 miles away from Mystic Falls. I went into protective boyfriend mode. Finding her became priority number one and in walks my brother.  He was also ready to find her.

The road trip with my brother was awkward to say the least. I tried to get his feelings for Elena out in the open but he wasn’t willing to budge. He can’t even admit that he’s in love with Elena. I’m really not sure how I feel about it but it’s something we as brothers will need to deal with before we end up at each other’s throats, like we did over Katherine. Elena has been good for Damon. I will be the first to admit that. Does it bother me? Yes, I would be lying if I said it doesn’t. What worries me is that Damon’s feelings go deeper than I could ever imagine and I’m not sure how to fight them.  It’s different from when he was obsessing over Katherine. I love Elena so much and it’s killing me to know that Damon’s love for her could be the end of us.  I could tell he was put off when I told him I was drinking small doses of Elena’s blood and fighting with my brother is pointless when at times I feel like I owe him. He wouldn’t be a vampire if it wasn’t for me. I had to apologize for my part in his misery.

We found Elena unharmed but Rose was scared of us or shall I say she was scared of Elijah. Being 500 years-old comes with a strength that Damon and I were not expecting to encounter. We put an end to Elijah, leaving him staked against a door. Elena’s safe and sound at home with her family. I wanted to stay with her. She quickly turned me away. Something happened a short while ago that has me worried. Rose was here. She said they will come for her. Rose said the originals, meaning Klaus who is extremely powerful and wicked. How will we protect her, now?

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