Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Cursed By Love"

Every part of my body is enraged. Damon killed Mason. It had to be done, only Jenna paid the price by being compelled by Katherine to stab herself. I warned Damon not to provoke her. After he killed Mason, he used his phone to call Katherine. Taunting her with his words only made matters worse. How do we begin to fight her?

The pain I feel right now is killing me. Elena came to me to end things. I knew it was coming. We walked around pretending we were done but the whole time, Katherine had Jenna spying on us.  The Masquerade Ball was our one chance to trap Katherine. Alaric had all the necessities to take Katherine down and our team consisted of Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, Damon and myself.  We set the trap and all Katherine needed to do was take the bait. She brought her own witch to the party. Lucy was her name.

I danced with Katherine, only to be blind-sided when Aimee came over, thinking Katherine was Elena. Katherine killed her and left me to hide her body. An hour later, Caroline brought Katherine to the room where Damon and I hid.  I could tell my brother was fired up. He was blasting off wooden bullets left and right.  Damon was about to stake her until Jeremy ran in to warn us we were hurting, Elena.  Katherine had Lucy cast a spell to tie Elena to Katherine. I questioned Katherine on why the moonstone was so important to her when she gave it to George Lockwood in exchange for her freedom in 1864. Of course, Katherine was very evasive with her answers. Damon and I didn't learn anything new from her.

I should have never returned to Mystic Falls. I've made life a living hell for Elena, her family and her friends. My selfish behavior has ruined any chance of Elena having a normal life.  At the end of the Ball, Lucy tricked Katherine by placing a spell on the moonstone before handing it over to her. Katherine touched it, fell to the floor and was gasping for air.  Damon locked her in the tomb.  Hopefully, with her out the way, things for Elena can get back to normal.

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