Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"A Dick Move Cost Me"

Good thing I keep a small Journal in my pocket. Well, I'll get to that in a minute. The day started with Damon and I paying a visit to the tomb to talk Katherine into handing over the moonstone.  I knew she wouldn't go along with it unless we reversed the spell to get her out of the tomb. Katherine may be weak but her conniving ways and dry wit were dead on.  Our next stop was Elena's house and from the moment she opened the door, there was something different about her. We told Elena about our visit to Katherine and how Bonnie was willing to help us. Damon and I knew Elena wasn't thrilled but everything we do is to protect her. Elena told us that she didn't want our help and she wasn't willing to risk losing the people she cared about. Damon had no words, making me wonder should I be worried that he's fallen for her. I'm not oblivious to it all and I know Elena loves me and that is one thing that will never change. Our relationship has been rocky over the last few weeks with Katherine returning and the fact that the 'Original' vamps will come to capture her for Klaus. I would be lying if I didn't say I hate the distance that keeps growing between us. For a split second I didn't think Elena was going to invite us in.

Damon and I convinced Bonnie to help us retrieve the moonstone from Katherine in the tomb. Jeremy volunteered to play the hero and Damon was clearly not happy. He hates the fact that Jeremy knows  as much as he does. In a way, I agree with him.  Jeremy being involved could get him killed. We can barely protect Elena as it is and Jeremy being around could complicate matters.  To prove my point, Jeremy went to the tomb, got in, found the moonstone and in the process he wasn't able to keep Katherine down long enough before she caught him. The spiteful bitch made a meal out of him, knowing his ring would protect him.  By the time I got there her lips were stained in blood with Jeremy standing beside her with blood oozing from his neck. Bonnie tried to lift the tomb spell, thinking she had the strength to do so and failed. Katherine was about to keep feasting on Jeremy when I rush in and tossed him out the tomb. Dammit, that was a dick move.

Now here I am with Katherine, in the tomb and she's acting like she won the lottery. Katherine is ogling me and saying all kinds of flirty comments to get a rise out of me.  Just a short time ago, Damon and Elena argued outside the tomb. Damon forbid Elena from coming in after me, reminding her that she needed to be safe and he would make sure she was protected. I knew Katherine would throw that in my face by warning me it was the worst move ever, for me to make Damon promise to protect, Elena. I know the risks. I've known all along this day might come. Now, I have to stay strong enough to deal with Katherine and try to steer clear from her inviting temptations.

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