Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Manipulative Bitch"

Today was tough on me.  It was necessary for Elena to come over to the house because Rose was able to explain to her the danger she was in better than Damon and I. I could feel the coldness coming from Elena's body.  She's not happy with any of us at the moment. I guess I can understand how she feels, knowing that ever since we met, her life has been turned upside down.

Rose told us about Klaus who is the oldest Vampire and he will come for Elena. My jaw clenched just hearing Rose say Klaus would hurt Elena. I will die protecting the woman I love and I know Damon has my back.  I couldn't tell if any of Rose words were registering with Elena who quickly got up and announced she was heading to school.  I told her I would go with her but she turned me down.  I'm having a hard time understanding how she can act this way with me, after Damon and I saved her from Elijah just yesterday.

I went on to school and ran into Caroline who told me she needed to talk.  I hesitated at first but quickly changed my mind. I promised Caroline I woud always be there for her.  What I learned is that she's  the worse lier.  She tried to distract me by dragging me to the Grill to fill me in on how she confessed to Tyler, she was a vampire. At least Caroline was smart enough not to mention the rest of us.  I often find humor in Caroline. Her clueless ways and the way she makes me laugh,  reminded me a lot of Lexi who was my best friend. Only Caroline was keeping me occupied because Elena was at the tomb, trying to get information out of Katherine. I was so mad at both of them that I couldn't see straight.

I found Elena standing in front of the open tomb door with a bag of supplies for Katherine. Trying to convince Elena that Katherine doesn't know how to tell the truth fell on deaf ears. Elena believed Katherine and seeing a weak Katherine at the door only made me more furious until she told us, Klaus murdered her entire family.  After I called her a manipulative, psychotic Bitch, Katherine fired back by telling me she was the safest psychotic Bitch in town. A vampire would be a fool to step foot in the tomb, knowing they could never come out. Elena was stunned, learing Klaus will not stop until she is dead and everyone is in danger. 

I took Elena home and she kept saying it's her fault. I tried to reassure her that I would protect her. The truth is I'm not sure I know how to protect her against someone who has so many years on me and who is a lot stronger.  As I've said, I will die trying.

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