Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The House Guest

Elena looked beautiful this morning. The day starting out on a perfect note until Katherine showed up, playing her usual childish games. Damon didn't know killing Elijah would dispell the compulsion he had over Katherine, freeing her to walk out the tomb. I was hoping I'd never had to lay eyes on Katherine again and Elena wanted her gone immediately.

Of course Katherine tried to win us all over by telling us she was here to help us bring down Klaus.  I didn't buy her act for one second. I don't know what Damon was thinking, allowing her to stay in our home. I'm pretty sure she will do something that will show her true colors. It's just a matter of time. Katherine always has other motives.  I went over to the grill to see if Dr. Martin would be willing to help us along with his son, Luka. That meeting didn't go as planned. They don't trust us and were highly upset we killed Elijah with the dagger, knowing we needed it to defeat Klaus. Elijah was a threat to Elena and everyone else. We could not simply sit back and watch him go after the one's we love.

I came back to the house after my meeting. Damon was in the library reading Jonathan Gilbert's journals while Katherine was not around. Damon found the location of the house where the witch trails took place. We pretended we didn't find anything, knowing if Katherine found out, she would use it for her own devious plans.  I took the book with me, making sure Katherine would not be able to get her hot little hands on it.   While I was upstairs, I heard Katherine yell for Damon and when I ran to the basement, Katherine was in the corner with a stake in her chest and Damon was torching the room. There was some kind of witch entity in the room and Damon knew Dr. Martin had something to do with it.

By the time I made it to Dr. Martin's apartment, he was furious. His son Luka was burnt to a crisp on the floor and the next thing I remembered was my brain bursting from the spell Dr. Martin put on me before he bolted out the door. He had a picture of Elena on the floor. I didn't waste time calling Damon for help. Dr. Martin was now after Elena and we needed to get to her before he did. Damon called me from the car to let me know Katherine was with him and she had a plan to trick Dr. Martin.

I found Katherine and Damon outside the grill. Damon had already found Elena and had her in his car. Katherine and I walked in, pretending she was Elena and saw Dr. Martin destroying the Grill. Katherine who was now acting as Elena tried to plead with him to stop. It became clear he was in no mood to talk at that point. The only thing he wanted was Elena. We bolted from the restaurant and headed back to Elena's house. We were pretty sure Dr. Martin would follow.  When we walked into the house we found Bonnie and Jeremy in the living room. They were clueless to what was going on. Katherine went upstairs to Elena's bathroom and as soon as I heard her tearing into Dr. Martin, Bonnie and I ran up the stairs. Dr. Martin was dead.

Katherine kept her word for once. To keep Elena safe and for that I had to thank her. Elena on the other hand was still furious that she was around at all. The exchange between them was less than friendly but for now, everyone is safe.

We still need to prepare for the arrival of Klaus. To fight an original that strong is going to take more than a couple of drops of blood a day. I'm going to need to start increasing my dose and sip larger amounts of vervain. I know all of this will not be enough to kill someone who is over a thousand years old. I just refuse to sit by and do nothing. Damon is already strong and he is also sipping vervain. The two of us together along with Bonnie will have to pull together in order to bring down Klaus for good.


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