Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Last Dance

The day started on a promising note with Elena signing the deeds to become the owner of my house. It was the best decision she's made so far that will in the long-term keep her safe. Damon was the first to suggest it and I couldn't think of a better way to have some control over Elena's safety. It was Elena who would be calling the shots on who received an invitation in the house, keeping unwanted vampire's out.

Elena didn't hesitate to extend an invite to me back in my home. Damon on the other hand, needed a reminder on who was making all the rules. Elena asked him one last time did he understand the terms of our agreement. He wasn't thrilled at first when she told him it was her way or the highway. Lucky for him, he quickly came to his senses or so we thought. Damon just tends to do things the Damon way and doesn't think about the consequences of his actions.

I went to school with Elena and Bonnie when Elena insisted that she come and go as she please. I know Bonnie will always keep her safe. The one thing that worries me is the fact we have no clue how powerful Klaus' team of witches are and I'm guessing pretty powerful. They would have to be if they're protecting the oldest vampire in the history of time. Bonnie thinking she can take on an Original by herself worried me.

Hours later Elena and Bonnie came back the house to let Damon and I know Klaus had made contact by compelling one of the students. We were clueless to what the man looked like and with Katherine missing we were in the dark.

Elena put on a brave face for me this evening while she picked out a dress for the dance. She was trying her best to show me she's fearless and I know she's scared. Who could blame her when someone who is threatening to wipe-out everyone in her world she's ever loved. I held her in my arms, kissed her gently before telling her we would end Klaus tonight.

I had my own reservations on taking Elena to the dance and instead of fighting her on the matter, we headed to the dance with Damon and met up with Bonnie and Jeremy. It wasn't long before we walked in when Klaus made his first move. He compelled Dana to announce to the crowd Klaus was dedicating a song to Elena. The bastard was close and I could feel it. When Caroline and Matt walked in, I left Elena to dance with Damon while I brought Caroline up to speed on Klaus. I really didn't want her to be blindsided by not knowing. We kind of all hand blinders on when it came to Klaus.

I found Jeremy in the hallway upset and worried about both Bonnie and Elena. He told me if Bonnie used all her powers on Klaus, it could kill her and Bonnie refused to tell Elena. I had to find Elena and tell her. She needed to talk some sense into her best friend. I was left to deal with Damon who knew all along what Bonnie was planning. Every time I trust him, he screw me over. Damon didn't try to deny he lied, again. I was ready to really let him have it when we heard Jeremy. He was down the hall being assaulted by a couple of male students. They were compelled by Klaus as a distraction. I told Damon I could handle them while he went to go make sure Elena and Bonnie were okay. Jeremy was a little banged up with no permanent damage or broken bones.

When I found Elena, she told me Klaus had possessed Alaric's body. I didn't see that coming at all. None of us did and when we went to go find Bonnie, Damon told us she was using her powers to kill Klaus. We knew it would kill her. She had to be stopped, only we were too late. Bonnie fell to the ground and I knew she was dead. I didn't know how to help Elena in that moment. She was hysterical, sobbing and wanting her friend back. Damon walked in ordering me to take Elena home. We didn't need Sheriff Forbes asking questions so Damon took the next steps to dispose of Bonnie's body. I was not happy at how he handled the situation from the start. After-all Bonnie was a dear friend to us all.

I offered Elena tea as she sobbed uncontrollably while sitting in a chair by the fireplace. She was distraught. Who could blame her when she had just lost her best friend. It wasn't until Damon came home we found out Bonnie was alive. She had done a spell to make it appear she had died. I was furious with Damon for not telling us. He just refuses to keep me in the loop. I could have told Elena the truth once we were off the premises of the school. I'm getting real tired of Damon playing the hero. He needs to remember who's girlfriend he's protecting and it's not the other way around.

Just when I think we're taking two steps forward to being close brothers again, we've taken five steps back. This will not end well for neither of us.


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