Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Vampire Diaries - Stefan Salvatore Journal

Here I am venting, again. I write my thoughts down to keep from going crazy. I came back to Mystic Falls to meet Elena. I had no idea that my return to Mystic Falls would be the worst decision I have ever made. If it wasn't for me, Damon would not have turned Vicki, killed the coach or killed countless others and to top it off, he is starting to have feelings for Elena. The moment I first saw Damon with her, I knew he would be trouble for our relationship. I tried to ignore what's happening before my very eyes and look the other way. I took his concern and feelings for Elena as a sign that Damon was learning how to care, again.  I didn't want Damon back in Mystic Falls. There would be nothing good about him being here and it turns out I was right.

What I didn't anticipate was Katherine's return or the fact that Mason Lockwood is a werewolf. This town doesn't need a stray animal on the loose. Damon is provoking him and it almost got us both killed. Not to mention that now I'm trying to help Caroline control her vampire urges. Another monkey wrench that came knocking at my door. I have to teach Caroline that she can live a semi-normal life. She freaked out on me when I told her that draining bunnies is better than intaking human blood.  Damon would disagree. 

Caroline proved to be quite useful when she saved Damon and I from her mother, Liz.   Sheriff Forbes was ready to send us to the gates of hell but we have Caroline to thank for rescuing us. That right there showed me how strong she is with human blood in her system. I'm starting to rethink my decision to not ingest human blood. I can't fight Katherine without it or Mason. Damon says  he has a plan to get rid of Katherine once and for all. He's  right! The bitch has to die.

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