Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Promises Are Made To Be Broken"

Waking up to Elena in my arms is just what I needed after spending an entire night in the tomb with Katherine. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I kind of regret the way I left Katherine. I think she had more information about Isobel and her research that would help me figure out how to break the curse of the moonstone. I couldn’t sleep last night with thoughts of Katherine stuck in my head. I hate it when she plays mind games with me and now I can’t forget the thoughts she embedded in my memory. I have no reason to feel anything for her, after what she did to me, by using me as her personal boy toy back in 1864. The close relationship I had with my brother back then was ruined by her evil, manipulative ways and it's finally starting to get back on track.

I admit I fell head over heels in love with Katherine the very first time I laid eyes on her when she arrived in Mystic Falls. She was one of the most beautiful, captivating and sexiest women I had ever encountered.  I was young and most of the girl's were very immatured but not my Katherine. She stood out from the rest and to this day, it's taken every ounce of my strength to get over her. Damon wasn't so lucky. Katherine became his obsession.  Katherine keeps accusing me of using Elena all this time as a way to feel closer to her. A claim that is simply not true. They may look alike on the outside but they’re total opposites on the inside. All the more reason why I shouldn’t have any thoughts of her, only I do.

I don't know why I told Damon about the deal Elena made with Elijah. Damon smashed a glass against the wall, staining the wall with bourbon and started to pace the floor.  I can understand why Damon is upset when he was the one who staked Elijah and now the man shows up in Mystic falls, making demands and deals. We all should be worried even with the moonstone in our hands, danger still lurks in the shadows.  Damon was quick to tell me I’m being foolish if I go along with Elijah's plan to use Elena to draw out Klaus. This is why I am sipping small amounts of blood to make me stronger. I need to be able to build up my strength, in order for me to be able to help protect Elena from what’s to come. It kills me that Damon has been able to protect Elena more than me. That’s my job. I didn’t want to argue with him over why I would go along with it nor do I agreed with Elena’s decision to trust Elijah.

Damon clued me in on everything that happened when Elijah showed up at Slater’s apartment and ripped the hearts out of two vampires who showed up to take Elena to Klaus. Damon killed Elijah. I don’t know how it is possible that he’s still alive, all I know is it makes my decision to increase my blood intake a little easier. Elena believes in me. We made promises to one another, only this is one promise I won’t be able to keep.

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